Football, Politics, and Jesus
It’s fall of an election year, which means talk of football and politics is constantly surrounding us. One can’t escape discussions on Medicare, Big Bird, and which quarterback will be starting for the Jets this week (pssst…I vote for Tebow).
But the question that keeps coming to my mind is this, “How much larger would the Kingdom of God be if we got as excited about Jesus as we do our favorite sports team or politicians?”
Just last night, our local news televised a story about a man who spent ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS to pay for a banner to be flown over the professional football stadium, which said something like, “FIRE THE COACH AND BENCH THE QUARTERBACK.”
Seriously? A thousand dollars for THAT? I’m all about having fun and supporting a team, but one thousand dollars could feed, clothe, and school three orphans in Zimbabwe FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR.
And my Facebook newsfeed was filled to the brim on Wednesday night with talk of the debate. I certainly have an opinion on who I would like to be President and I believe it is our right and duty as citizens of this great country to be well-informed voters. That is what is amazing about our country…and everyone is entitled to sharing their opinion (hopefully in a respectful way)! But the question I posed at the beginning of my post still haunts me. After all, even the most qualified of candidates is not, nor will ever be, perfect. Only Jesus can be our rescuer, our source of salvation. But do we have the same number of posts about Jesus as we do _________ ? Probably not.
Of far more importance than our Facebook statuses should be the legacy we are passing on to our children. What will my children remember about me? Will they remember that I was passionate about my favorite sport’s team, that I was an avid Republican/Democrat, or that I strived each and every day to grow closer to God and to the people around me. Of course, we can be all these things…but it is absolutely crucial that our utmost priority is the latter.
I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you that I am far, far, FAR from having this all figured out. As I examine my own life, on how I spend my time and money, I am embarrassed at the amount of time that I spend on meaningless things. Sure, they don’t seem meaningless at the time…but in the scope of eternity, they are just that. I tallied the number of hours in the last week that I spent furthering my relationship with God (in study or in prayer) or intentionally doing something for someone else outside of my normal household duties: 5 hours. That’s it. There are 168 hours in a week and I spent only five hours on things that really matter. Lord, help me.
If Jesus was here in flesh, he might have a few laughs with friends about the latest game (after all, he loved a good party and was more relational than anyone who ever lived). He might even pose for a picture shaking the hand of a politician or two. But, do you know where I think he would be the most??? With people who need him.
Like this little girl from Zimbabwe who has HIV…
Or this sweet little girl from Zambia named Aumbi who has Down Syndrome and three holes in her heart…
Or this family with five children who suddenly lost their father…
Jesus would be there. Comforting them, giving them hope, and maybe even healing them.
Shouldn’t this be our priority as well???
If we each put the time and effort into our relationship with God (and our relationship with others) as we do cheering on our favorite team or politician, there would be a revival like no one has ever seen before.
Let’s get THAT party started…one person, one hour, one minute at a time.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Matthew 6:21
(And if you’re looking for a way to get in on a party…join us on November 4th for One Day’s Difference. Fast for 1 day and donate whatever money you would have spent on food for that day to help us build an orphanage in Zimbabwe. Go here and here for more details.)
It is so true that we waste so much time on frivolous things; I am very, very guilty of it as well. Please be encouraged that it is not only those 5 hours you spent that will count for God though. It is every time you lovingly care for your children or submit to your husband. Not everyone is called to be a missionary abroad. So of us have to fight here in our own towns in our own homes. Its starts by raising our children to love the Lord with all their heart!
I am SO SO with you! When all the chick-fil-a stuff was hot, I wrote a similar post.
The fast sounds interesting, while I get into health issues if i skip meals, i could certainly purpose to eat very inexpensively that day and donate the difference. off to go read up on the links you gave!
Thank you for putting my day in perspective! I would love to participate in the fast, and I would also like to pray specifically for the 2 kids and the family about which you posted.
How wonderful Heaven will be without death or sickness! Come Lord Jesus, Come!
Such a perfect season to make your point! Well said!