Printable Summer Schedule For Kids

Summer Schedule Printables- print out and put on refrigerator to help organize your summer days!

Summer Schedule For Kids

As a classroom teacher, I like to maintain order and routine in the classroom by following a pretty regimented schedule. This gives us predictability for the day and ensures that we accomplish everything we needed to accomplish. For some reason, this same characteristic has not transferred over to my stay-at-home mom life.

Since I am not a morning person I am content to just “ease into the day” (as my husband likes to call it) if we don’t have anywhere we have to be. Before I can get my act together, it is nearly lunch time! All I know is that my sanity for the summer depends on some type of schedule!

Summer Daily Schedule

I created this printable summer schedule so that it can be interchangeable for varying days. My goal is to plan ahead the night before what our day will look like and make sure to arrange the schedule accordingly. I have one child who thrives on routine and predictability, so I know this will be very beneficial for him without being too regimented. :)

Once you download the printable schedule, you can print them onto magnetic paper, or laminate your daily schedule and use magnet tape to add them to your refrigerator.

Your daily summer schedule includes: 

  • Get Dressed
  • Breakfast
  • Table Time (will vary each day:  includes handwriting, workbook pages, puzzles, learning games, play dough, etc)
  • Free Play
  • Library
  • Park
  • Swimming
  • Screen Time
  • One-on-One time (my goal is to spend at least 30 minutes a week one-on-one with each child doing something of their choice)
  • Rest time
  • Lunch
  • Chores
  • Field Trip (zoo, museums, etc)
  • Reading (independent or audio books)
  • Read aloud (me reading to them)

our summer schedule printed and laminated on the fridge

Add Your Own Summer Activities

I  included blank summer daily schedule template for you to add your own summer activities as well. I did not, however, include dinner or any activities that come after dinner just because this time of day is already a well-established routine in our home.

30 Minute Increments

The printable includes 30-minute time increments from 8am to 5pm but also comes with blank clock faces that you can customize (which I will be using later in the summer to reinforce telling time).

Flexible Schedule

Despite how it may look, there will be a lot of flexibility in our day. Our daily summer activities are spread out enough to allow plenty of “down time” in between. I also asked the boys for some themes that interest them, so we will be doing some weekly activities related to their interests.

You May Also Like: Fun Things To  Learn This Summer

Summer Reading

Finally, we’re implementing a new screen time policy at our house. The boys can early 1 minute of screen time for every minute that they read (or listen to an audio book/book read aloud). I bought them both book timers and we’re hoping to keep track this way.

You May Also Like: Summer Reading Printables

book timers

Download your summer daily schedule template here

Do you have a summer schedule for your home??? 


  1. Loooooove this, thank you! I am going to sit down layer this week to outline our summer. This printable schedule is definitely going to be helpful for my son, my babysitting kiddos, and me! :-)

  2. You read my mind! I’ve been thinking about doing something like this for us this summer and you are absolutely going to help! Thank you! :)

  3. I love this idea!! I was going to make a summer schedule as well but didn’t know how I was going to post it but I love this idea. My older one loves to know what is coming next so a schedule she can see it awesome! thanx!

  4. I have tried to do summer schedules in the past. This year I am trying something new. Each day has to have something from each of 3 lists, plus guitar practice (something he is starting next week). the 3 lists have chores, learning (he has math, history, typing, and cooking in here), and fun (divided into active and passive activities). He can have 2 hours of screen time, but earn extra for each minute of “active fun” beyond the one required activity. I have one list for a whole week with check boxes next to each chore or activity for the whole week, so if he wants to do all his chores in one day I have allowed for that flexibility.

    We’ll see how it works.

  5. I just decided I wanted something with a clock on it to help my 2 kiddos know the flow of our days…this is perfect timing! Thank you!!

  6. LOOOOVE this! Printed it and will use it!
    We usually have a schedule because we do school work during the summer to keep up with what we have learned at school. Like reading, math, and so on.
    Will put this into use after our trip.

  7. THANK YOU!!! I am so happy that I found this! Printing now and adding magnetic tape tomorrow. I will be using this starting Monday :)

  8. this is AWESOME! could you tell me what font you used so that i can use something similar to type in the blank ones? thanks!

    1. I typically check my computer throughout the day, but I don’t normally watch TV until the kids are in bed. But do whatever is best for you and your family! ;)

  9. I was wondering if there is a way to make this a little more flexible…
    Like if it’s raining, we won’t go to the park and might do more screen time. Or, if it is really nice and cool outside, we might stay out and forego TV. Any ideas?

    1. Just change out whatever activities you plan to do for the day…since the time cards are separate, it can be as flexible as you want it (or don’t use the time cards at all).

  10. Such a great idea! I love how it gives a “big picture” look at the day rather than a to-do list. Doing something like this may help to bring some peace to the chaos we have going on right now. :)

  11. I did something similar to this schedule for my oldest son a few years ago when he would ask what we are doing today or what’s next. My oldest son just finished K and my middle son is now at the age of asking the what’s next question…a lot. Something I found helpful for us was adding pictures or clip art to the words, so both boys could tell what was next. I love the idea of adding the clock, but just realized we don’t have a analog clock in our house…They’re all digital!
    I also loved your idea for earning screen time with reading! My oldest LOVES to be outside, playing with Legos and everything else young boys should be doing. He’s not so big into reading when it’s not part of his homework. As a former first grade teacher, it pains me that he doesn’t love all thousands of books I have at home now from my classroom. I wanted to find something to motivate him to read throughout the summer and I think this just might do the trick.
    My husband and I have struggled with whether or not to purchase and ipad. We don’t want to deprive our kids of knowing and understanding modern technology, but we have a desktop, two laptops and I do have an ipod that has some education apps for the boys and we just don’t feel the ipad is a need. Reading your post definitely keeps me thinking. Thank you so much!

  12. This is great! I especially like the service project label. Can you give some ideas of what you will be doing for service projects?

    1. So far we have made cards to send with my parents on a mission trip to Zimbabwe. Most of our “service projects” will be things that we make to give to other people, as it is hard to get out of the house with an infant. :)

  13. So glad I found this on pinterest!! I am not a computer person so trying to make this is not easy for me I was wondering if you could do a dinner and bedtime printable and the times that were not included? We do have a routine but it changes on certain nights, Sunday and Wednesday nights for instance. Totally understand if it’s not possible. Have the summer schedule up on frig right now!

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    They get to meet new people, share experiences and in the process their awareness level is enhanced.

  15. Brilliant use of all that free summer time! I will be implementing this week! What is a Service Project?

    1. A service project is just an act of service or kindness for someone else (picking an elderly neighbors weeds, cooking a meal for someone, visiting a nursing home, etc).

  16. I’ve been using this printable off and on for years, and I’m trying to use it for our homeschool this year. I was hoping for times printables for earlier and later (our day starts before 7, and I would love to cover nightly routines after 5 as well) plus a title that says “daily schedule” instead of “summer schedule.” I’m just hoping for a cohesive look to add those instead of creating my own to hodgepodge with yours. Thanks!

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