Rainy Day Art with Chalk and Oil

Rainy Day Art with Chalk and Oil


It’s Day 3 of our 31 Days of Outdoor Activities for Toddlers series and this morning we woke up to rain! We decided to grab our umbrellas and do some Rainy Day Art with sidewalk chalk and oil!


In all honesty, this art project didn’t turn out how I thought it would. I thought the chalk would mix or blur a bit more than it did. If we were to try it again, I would probably use markers instead. But it was cool to see how the oil spots stayed even with it being rained on! We opted to do this activity outside from start to finish because it wasn’t raining that hard when we went outside. But you could color on the paper inside and then take the paper outside if the conditions aren’t right for being outside for a while.


And my daughter is thrilled with any opportunity to wear her pink rainboats. I think she would wear them to bed if we let her! She was excited to search for some puddles!


Here’s what you’ll need:

Watercolor Paper (or regular paper works fine too)

Sidewalk Chalk (or markers- what I would use if I did this again)

Baby or Vegetable Oil


Tray to hold the paper



Rainy Day Art



Rainy Day Art

1. Use chalk (or markers) to color on your watercolor paper. We used a tray and did all of our coloring out in the rain.


Rainy Day Art



Rainy Day Art

2. Using a dropper or pipette, add small drops of oil onto your paper.


Rainy Day Art



Rainy Day Art



Rainy Day Art

3. Then keep the paper sitting outside and let the rain do its work!


Rainy Day Art






Check out more fun activities here:

31 Days of Outdoor Toddler Activities

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