PURELL 30-Day Challenge

*This is a sponsored post. I was compensated for sharing this information from PURELL (in conjunction with the Mom It Forward Blogger Network).




Germs are a major concern with a new baby in the house. We have always encouraged hand-washing with our children, but as of late I have come to rely heavily on hand sanitizer. Our boys have a tendency to consider “washing their hands” as rinsing with a spray of water for 2 seconds (or less). Because I can’t be there every time they wash their hands as I am tending to the needs of a new baby, PURELL has literally become one of my best friends.

We have a large bottle of PURELL in the kitchen, entryway, and beside Baby Girl’s changing table. I also have a small bottle in my purse and in the diaper bag. RSV and Influenza were both pretty bad in our area this past winter/spring when Baby Girl was brand new. I felt so much safer armed with PURELL.


Why Not Just Wash Your Hands?

Obviously, this is still the best way to stop the spread of germs. However, sometimes soap and water isn’t readily available. And as I mentioned above, sometimes kids can be lazy hand-washers and we can’t always be by their side to ensure they are effectively washing. This is when a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol (like PURELL) is most effective. I have also been known to use a baby wipe and a squirt of hand sanitizer to clean off tabletops when we are out to eat!


More Reasons to Trust PURELL

  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other leading health organizations, proper hand hygiene is one of the most important preventative measures you can take to reduce your risk of illness and infection.
  • Scientific outcome studies provide evidence that hand hygiene, including the use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer like PURELL, reduces our risk of getting sick.
  • A recent study conducted by the makers of PURELL demonstrated that the use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer can significantly reduce the transfer of a virus to the hands, and prevent germ transfer via commonly touched surfaces in the household.



PURELL 30-Day Challenge

To gear up for heading back to school, PURELL has created a 30-Day Challenge with 30 days of prizes! Beginning Monday, July 14, a challenge for each day will be shared. Some of these will be fun (decorating a PURELL bottle and sharing a picture) and some will be silly (sharing a video using PURELL at a summer barbecue). You can download the list and reference it throughout the month.

The prizes for the challenge will include:  PURELL Products throughout the month, 8 $100 Visa Gift Card Weekly Winners, and 30 Grand Prize Healthy Family Prize Packs.


Here’s how to enter:  

Visit PURELL’s Facebook page on Monday, July 14th (or visit Purell.com/30daychallenge). Download the list of challenges and check in with your progress!

You will receive:

  • 1 entry for signing up for the challenge
  • 1 entry for friends who enter the challenge (limit 10 entries)
  • 1 entry for each day that you visit the Purell Facebook page or 30 Day Challenge page
  • 5 entries for videos, 2 entries for photos, and 1 entry per story read.



Be sure to visit the Purell Advanced 30 Day Challenge website, FacebookTwitter and Pinterest to get started!



*Once again, this is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of PURELL (in conjunction with the Mom It Forward Blogger Network). I was compensated for sharing this post.

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