Vote for Your Favorite ‘Hey Girl’ Photo

I LOVED getting to see all the awesome, creative, funny, and heartfelt photos you have shared with me! Prince Charming and I have laughed and laughed at all of the captioned pictures!

After spending WAY too much time perusing these photos…here are the top 10 11* finalists for the ‘Hey Girl’ Photo Contest (in no particular order). Choosing the top 10 11* was way harder than I EVER thought it would be!! Needless to say, I will not be organizing a contest like this anytime in the near future as I remembered how much I dislike being the ‘judge’! And please just let me tell you that they were ALL amazing and I wish I could have included them all!

Please make note of the number of your favorite photo and vote for your favorite at the bottom of the post. Keep in mind that you may only vote for one.

Voting will end on Friday at 10am and the winner will be announced shortly after! Thanks for participating!

*Please note:  I added an eleventh entry…only because this picture was saved on my computer as a finalist and somehow I misplaced it on my hard drive. When I was creating the top 10 last night, I completely skipped over it. Because it was one that my husband and I had already chosen, I felt it was only fair to add it to the contest.










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    1. I’m sorry! I had considered increasing it to the Top 15 or the Top 20 because there were SO MANY good ones, but my husband convinced me otherwise. He said since I originally said “10” I needed to stick with that and if I increased it…it would be too hard for voters to decide.

      1. It’s totally understandable :). I don’t know how you were able to make the selection anyway. But now I don’t know whom to vote for ;)

  1. Love number 1 & 3, but had to go with number 1 b/c we had 2 of those children and I know the feeling of not even realizing you smell like spit-up anymore… ;o)

  2. Loved this contest!!!

    So many to choose and I have 3 favorites!!! :)

    Maybe next contest, we can pick three, then from their pick a winner. That way you can pick more of your favorites :)

  3. Ha! Number 7.
    I LOVE this contest. Kudos to you, Jenae, for sponsoring such a fantastic contest and encouraging women to build their spouses instead of complaining about them!!

  4. I like so many of them, but #3 is my favorite…that’s our youth minister and their family is awesome!!! Love that pic…

  5. I can’t pick one right now. What an awesome group of men! I’m laughing and crying over these photos at the same time.

  6. #4 The kind of love that comes from a girl whose love has grown fonder of you in your absence is second to none– a universal truth among our military servicemen. (The flipside is also true, but the theme of these photos is ‘Hey Girl’ — not ‘Hey Boy.’) :-)

  7. Hi, It sure was hard to pick!!! I always have a soft spot for the soldiers and their families, but after seeing number six, and knowing how difficult it is for men to “wait” (my daughter just had their first baby, and “waiting” has become an issue in their marriage), this guy, in my book, is wonderful<=o]

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