If I Could Rewind Time…

I’m feeling a bit nostalgic tonight, so I thought I would share the poem I wrote for Little Brother’s First Birthday (last year)…

If I could rewind time

I’d feel you move in me

With my belly oh so round

Feeling kicks and knees!

If I could rewind time

I’d go back to the day

At 11:55 at night

I saw your sweet, sweet face.

If I could rewind time

I’d want to hold you tight

To rock you for several hours

And love you with all my might.

If I could rewind time

I’d gaze into your eyes

Caress your dark silky hair

And even enjoy your cries.

If I could rewind time

I’d cherish your precious smile

Watching for the very first time

Taking time to enjoy it for awhile.

If I could rewind time

I’d watch you with your brother

Placing his favorite toys around you…

And then adding another.

If I could rewind time

I’d cherish the love I see

Between these two brothers

Best friends I know you will be.

If I could rewind time

I’d listen to you coo.

I’d cherish every sound I hear

Knowing it is coming from you.

If I could rewind time

I’d watch you laying flat

With your back on the floor

At the toys your arms would bat.

If I could rewind time

I’d relish the sweet sight

Scooting along the floor

Trying to crawl with all your might.

If I could rewind time

Hearing “Mama” for the first time

Would be music to my ears

And I’d take the time to cry.

If I could rewind time

I’d watch you pull yourself up

Cruising along the furniture

And drinking from your brother’s cup.

If I could rewind time

I’d watch your very first step

How you cutely hobbled

And into my arms you leapt

If I could rewind time

I wouldn’t have any stress

Even without enough sleep

Your sweet face, I would continually caress.

If I could rewind time

I’d stop and take it in.

I’d enjoy every second

On my face, a permanent grin.

Since these times have come and gone

Each memory I will treasure

I’ll thank God for this precious boy

Who has brought our lives much pleasure!

No, time can’t be rewound

So I’ll enjoy today

I’ll marvel at your precious face

And get down on the floor and play!


  1. Beautiful, I have tears streaming down my face…My oldest son turned 14 yesterday and your poem is exactly how I felt all day yesterday! Keep up the fantastic blogging &I writing =)

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