Pedicure Stegosaurus

I don’t consider myself a high-maintenance girl. I’ve never colored my hair and, come to think of it, I went 10 months between my last two haircuts. There is one indulgence that I absolutely love from time to time–getting a pedicure! They are wonderful and the place where I go massages your legs for ten minutes each. Heavenly…

About a month ago, I was one of the matrons of honor in my sweet cousin’s wedding. I went with my mom, aunt, and grandmother to get a pedicure a few days before and tried to think of something to do with the “toe dividers” that I always just throw away. I knew we were going to start our unit on dinosaurs soon, so here is what I came up with…the Pedicure Stegosaurus!

Here’s what you’ll need:  a couple “toe dividers” (washed, of course), construction paper, and a googly eye.

1. Cut a dinosaur shape out of the construction paper. If I can do it, you can do it…my art skills rival those of a 5-year old!

2. Have your child add glue to the backside of the dinosaur. Place on a piece of construction paper (who says you can’t glue with a lollipop in your mouth???).

3. Glue the toe dividers and put them on top of the dinosaur’s back.

4. Add a googly eye…and you’re done! We are still working on the letter “D”, so I decided to add that the ours as well.

Now, go treat yourself to a pedicure…so that your child can make this cute Stegosaurus. Your welcome. ;)


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