Ten Red Apples Sensory Bag

Ten Red Apples Sensory Bag


We love the book Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins. Little Sister has yet to sit through the entire book, but it has always been one of my favorites to read with the boys. Yippee, Fiddle-de-Fee!


When we were doing our back to school shopping, I found these clear vinyl zippered pencil pouches for a dollar and knew they would be great for creating sensory bags. It has been a long time since we made a gel bag, but I figured Little Sister would think it was pretty neat. This Ten Red Apples Sensory Bag can be easily adapted for all ages. Young toddlers will enjoy squishing the gel bag and attempting to move the “apples” around. Older toddlers and preschoolers can act out the book or count the apples on the tree.


Ten Red Apples Book


Here’s what you’ll need:

Clear Vinyl Pencil Pouch

Brown and Green Craft Foam with Adhesive Backing

10 Small Red Pom-Poms

Clear Hair Gel

Duct tape

Washi tape (optional)







1. Cut out a trunk shape and leaves from the adhesive-backed craft foam.



Ten Red Apple Sensory Bag

2. Peel off the adhesive backing and  secure the leaves and trunk together.


Ten Red Apples Sensory Bag

3. Secure the tree shape onto the bottom of the inside of the pencil pouch.


Ten Red Apple Sensory Bag

4. Use a spatula to add the gel. I ended up using 1 1/2 tubs of gel.


Ten Red Apples Sensory Bag

5. Drop the red pom-poms into the gel and seal.


Ten Red Apples Sensory Tub

6. Secure all the edges of the zippered pouch by folding duct tape in half and covering the front and back edges.


Ten Red Apples Sensory Tub

I fancied it up a bit with some red gingham washi tape.


Apple Tree Sensory Bag



Ten Red Apples Sensory Bag



Ten Red Apples Sensory Bag

Little Sister thinks it is pretty fun!


Ten Red Apples Sensory Bag

She loves trying to move the “apples” around.



Ten Red Apples Sensory Bag




Ten Red Apples Sensory Bag

I love that this activity will grow with her and something we can pull out every fall!




Ten Red Apples Sensory Bag for Toddlers




Check out more fun apple-inspired activities here.



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