Deciding Where Your Child Should Go to School

A post that I wrote back in February is finally posted over at MomLife Today. Here is a snippet:

My oldest child just turned five, which means he will be starting kindergarten in just a few short months. After wondering where on earth the time has gone, my immediate reaction then becomes a little bit of panic regarding the school situation: Where should my child go to school?

Should I homeschool him? Should he go to the private church-based school where he has attended preschool for the last two years? Should we send him to the public school district where both my husband I attended all 13 years and where I taught after graduating from college?

This decision, I’m convinced, is going to give me an ulcer.

Perhaps the decision seems so momentous because I know it will have a lasting impact on the life of my child, or maybe because there isn’t an absolute right and wrong. After all, the Bible doesn’t tell us explicitly “Thou shalt send your child to public school” or “Thou shalt homeschool.” There are advantages and disadvantages to every option! Although I certainly do not have all the answers (we haven’t even made our final decision yet), I want to share some thoughts and resources that are guiding us along the way….  (read more)


Click here to read the rest of the post!  

One Comment

  1. Thank you for this post. We are still trying to find the best fit for our family and it is crunch time. You may have an ulcer, I am going to have a head full of grey hair.

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