A Lesson Learned: Do Everything…

Does the monotony of parenting ever get to you? It certainly does me! Or how about the menial tasks? For instance, multiple times a day I have to put all 10 pillows back onto our couch. Yes, I have 10 pillows on my couch. It was bought prior to having children. I love that couch, but there are days when the thought of a couch with attached cushions that don’t come off sound awfully appealing. The boys love taking them off and throwing them on the floor so they can jump off our coffee table onto them. I’ve tried telling them that the pillows on the couch are off-limits, but their apparent testosterone gets the best of them and alas, the pillows are on the floor once again. It literally drives me crazy.


Or continually feeling the crumbs under my bare-feet on our laminate flooring. No matter how much I seem to vacuum…crumbs remain. Ugh!

Parenthood is just plain exhausting. And there are times when I wonder, “Does anything I do matter?”

I heard this song by Steven Curtis Chapman several months ago and shared it on my Facebook page. But I heard it again today and was again touched especially by the first verse. The music video is just a little goofy (in my opinion) and kind of takes away from the meaning, but here it is:


(Go here if you can’t view the video)

Your picking up toys on the living room floor for the 15th time today
Matching up socks
Sweeping up lost cheerios that got away

You put a baby on your hip
Color on your lips and head out the door

While I may not know you,
I bet I know you
Wonder sometimes, does it matter at all?

Well let me remind you, it all matters just as long
As you do everything you do to the glory of the One who made you,
Cause he made you,
To do every little thing that you do
To bring a smile to His face
Tell the story of grace
With every move that you make
And every little thing you do

In a nutshell, this song exemplifies these verses:

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” -Colossians 3:17

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” -1 Corinthians 10:31


Motherhood (or fatherhood or being a caretaker for children) is our ministry. It’s our calling. And it’s the MOST important job/ministry we will have on this earth.

So even though many of the tasks associated with parenting are monotonous and seem menial, if we do them all the glory of God (especially while little eyes are watching), God will bless our efforts!

May this song be as encouraging to you as it is to me!

Music video by Steven Curtis Chapman performing Do Everything (Official Music Video). (P) (C) 2011 Sparrow Records. All rights reserved. 


  1. The first time I heard this song I sat in my car and said wow. Thanks for the reminder to do everything to the glory of God!

  2. Did you hear the discussion my husband and I had yesterday? Because I swear I said, “Does anything I do matter?” Thank you for this post!

  3. After 22 years of parenting 8 children, let me encourage you to leave the pillows on the floor, or better yet, jump off the coffee table with them, and wear shoes! Dirty floors are my pet peeve, but I am a better mommy if I just wear shoes, grin and bear it.

  4. What a great reminder! My daily battle is keeping my daughter from breaking the mini-blinds and riding the cat like a horse! LOL :) This too shall pass… all in perspective. Great reminder.

  5. My fourth boy is due tomorrow and one of their favorite things to do is take the cushions off the couch to make “caves”. I’ve given up trying to keep them on the couch a long time ago and can totally relate to the stuff on the bottoms of your feet after you just cleaned the floor! I love this song and am encouraged by it as well. Thanks!

  6. Thank you for sharing this song!!! I needed to hear this! I’ll be playing it tomorrow while I’m mothering my little ones and keeping our house under control.

  7. Thank you so much for all your encouraging posts! So often I come over to your site and read these little tid bits in my deepest despair… and I’m given hope again. Parenthood is so challenging at times… but so rewarding… =)

  8. This post made me laugh since my little guy (and my husband) are always tossing our pillows on the family room floor too! I love your blog and shared it over on my Sunday Blog Share tonight. Thanks for the daily inspiration! You are fabulous.

  9. I totally feel your pain (i.e. crumbs)! Love this song…have it on my favorites on my IPod and have this bible verse in 3 different places around the house just to remind me why I do what I do! Thanks for all you do…live this blog!

  10. OhMyyyGawshhhh! that first paragraph is MY life. hahaha. they throw all the pillows in the floor and then jump from the ottoman to one couch and back to the ottoman and then to the other couch. for hours. i’ve given up trying to keep them picked up. after they go to bed they get picked up. haha. i’ve been trying to remind myself every day of this very thing … EVERYTHING that i do, i do for God. every, single, mundane, monotonous, awesome, amazing, stinky, happy thing. and i love this song bc it says JUST that. love it and thanks for sharing!

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