A Lesson Learned: The Bond Between Brothers
One of the most precious things in life right now is watching our boys love on each other. They are crazy about one another. I am so, so thankful. I can’t tell you how happy it makes my heart to see our boys playing, laughing, hugging, wrestling, kissing, and cuddling with each other. Little Brother is at the age now where he is actually a playmate to Big Brother instead of just a “baby”. It’s amazing how their relationship has grown in just the last month.
Last week, Little Brother woke up before Big Brother (which never happens). His first words were “Tee-buh” (how he pronounces his brother’s name which is oddly the same thing Big Brother called himself for the longest time). We tried to get him to cuddle with us in the bed, but he just slid down and went down to Big Brother’s bedroom, knocking on the door and saying “Tee-buh, sleep. Tee-buh, sleep.” Once Big Brother came out of his room, Little Brother was SO EXCITED. It was absolutely precious and a memory I hope I’ll never forget. My heart smiled.
Big Brother has recently been talking about the topic of “best friends.” I’m not really sure where he heard this terminology as it isn’t really something we talk about. But one day he looked at Little Brother and said, “You’re my best friend.” My heart melted.
And then there is the topic of sticking up for each other. We were at the park not too long ago when another child pushed Little Brother. Big Brother promptly shouted, “Don’t push my wittle brudder!” My heart secretly soared.
Watching the bond between these boys get stronger each day is truly a blessing within a blessing. My heart’s desire is that they will grow up being each other’s best friend, growing into Godly men who encourage each other in their faith.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one (brother) sharpens another.” -Proverbs 27:17 (replacement mine)
What a beautiful post!!! You boys are precious. May the Lord bless them always.
my boys are 4 yrs apart (almost to the day), but my prayer is 1 day they will be best buds even with a 4 yr age gap and that my eldest will stick up for his baby brother. That was a beautiful post.
Seeing you’re children love each other is such a blessing (who knew that watching them wrestle on the floor could bring so much joy to your heart?). I’m so glad your precious boys have that, I love all those special moments that make my heart smile too!
Super sweet thoughts Jenae, thanks for the reminder of God’s daily blessings in our families!
Awwwww, what precious pictures of your boys! I love this post! Nothing melts my heart more than seeing my two boys being best friends together. My pregnancy with my second was unexpected but once he arrived we saw that God had it in plans for our family because my boys just needed each other. Thanks for such a sweet post.
Thanks, I can totally relate, thankfully. I was just saying a few min. ago, how I am glad my boys have each other. they love each other so much, play together so well, and big brother helps dress little brother and teaches him all kinds of things…it truly is sweet. I am kind of tired of the questions of when are you having a girl? my boys are the bestest of friends and have a special bond and I am grateful.
It only gets better Jenae! While they do have their “moments”, the friendship and bond my boys are building at such a young age is such a gift to me. I remember one day about a year ago another child pushed Harrison down and this was more then Ben could bare. He marched right up to that child sobbing and yelling, “No one pushes my brother!”, then promptly went over to check on Harrison (who was completely fine). I’ll never forget that. Love it!
This post made me smile :). I have two liitle boys too (ages four & two) & you are right watching them love each other is one of the sweetest gifts.
What a sweet, sweet post. I am just starting to see glimpses of a loving sibling relationship in my house now that Calla is getting bigger. It is really something special to see them hold hands in the car, giggle, and play trains or cars together. I naively thought their “special bond” would be an instantaneous thing, but it has taken a long time and we deal with lots of ugly behavior every day too. :)
And I have to add that we have pictures of my sister and I when we were little and she is doing the “choke hold” on me. Must be an older sibling thing.
Love it!!! My girls (almost 2 and almost 4) are the same way – such a sweet, rich friendships develops a little more every day. It’s so good to see :)
I love the choke hold picture. I have quite a few of myself and my younger sister in the same pose. My two boys who were close in age loved each other also. I love looking a those old pictures and remembering. They still have a tight bond, now in their late 20’s and early 30’s. They fly to see each other. It is amazing how wonderful a sibling can be.
I love this post…my two boys are 4 and 2 (25 months apart). My oldest has Sensory Processing Disorder, so their relationship has taken a little longer to develop. But I cannot wait until they have these true bonding monents! :)