Toddler Balance Beam

toddler balance beam



It’s the last day of our “A Very Toddler Olympics” series we are co-hosting with Kristina from Toddler Approved. It has been such a fun week and it makes me super excited to watch the Olympics in August! Be sure to check out all the posts in this fun series.

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Gymnastics is always my favorite Olympic event to watch. I love all of the various performances; each are mesmerizing in their own way. Watching the balance beam routines is nail-biting and at times heart-wrenching as one wrong movement can send the gymnast tumbling off the beam, crushing their dreams of receiving a medal right under their feet. On the contrary, it is amazing to watch a nearly-perfect balance beam routine and the artistic movements and balance of the gymnast.


In the last Summer Olympics, we shared a post on an Olympic Balance Beam. In all actuality, all it was was a 2×4 laid in the grass. This is nearly identical to that post, except we made it slightly taller and more challenging. The total height of our new balance beam is 6 inches.


To Make Your Own:

Purchase a 4 x 4 x 8 piece of timber. You can use any size, but this is what worked best for us. For extra height (ours is 6 inches tall), we screwed a 2 x 4 x 8 on top using four 3-inch wood screw. Next, cut two 1-foot pieces of 2 x 4’s and screw to the bottom of the beam using 3-inch wood screws.


Toddler Balance Beam

The boys quickly tried it out to show their little sister how it was done.


Toddler Balance Beam

She was a little hesitant at first and quite wobbly. She took a few falls into the grass (and was completely unharmed).


Toddler Balance Beam

Eventually, she gained some confidence and was able to do it by herself!


Toddler Balance Beam

This tough guy mastered the balance beam!


Toddler Balance Beam



Toddler Balance Beam



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