Outdoor Sticky Mural for Toddlers

Outdoor Sticky Mural for Toddlers
Outdoor Sticky Mural for Toddlers: Such a fun activity that uses natural elements to create beautiful kid-made art!



It’s Day 9 0f our 31 Days of Outdoor Activities for Toddlers! Years ago we did a similar Outdoor Sticky Collage with the boys (although it was lying flat on the ground instead of on the garage) and we have done a sticky collage inside with Little Sister…but we decided it was time to make our own Outdoor Sticky Mural using things we found from the yard. My daughter (3 years) and my nephew (18 months) both enjoyed creating our nature mural!


If you are doing this with kiddos who still put things in their mouths, just be sure to keep a watchful eye on them the entire time and don’t let them get any tiny pieces of grass or flowers.


Here’s what you’ll need:

Contact Paper

Painter’s tape


Flowers, grass, and other natural elements


Outdoor Sticky Mural

1. Cut the contact paper into a square or rectangle and them place flat on the ground (sticky side out). Add painter’s tape along the border and then secure to your garage door (or fence).


Outdoor Sticky Mural

2. Let your little one get started


Outdoor Sticky Mural

My sweet nephew wasn’t so sure about this activity at first…but eventually he came around a bit!


Outdoor Sticky Mural



Little hams!


Outdoor Sticky Mural

Their nature mural! So pretty!



Check out more fun outdoor toddler activities here:

31 Days of Outdoor Toddler Activities


  1. I really appreciate this site,I have learnt so much. II’m ready to teach my child.Thank you so much!

  2. HI
    Found this site very interesting and activities quite engaging. I have tried to do few activities with my 10 yo which she enjoys. I have a 16 mo who thinks everything she gets hold of is to put into her mouth. I find it hard to leave anything around her. I would love to give her some crayons for coloring but all she does is lick and bite it. Can you suggest any ways to get her to do any activity? Unless i hold her hand for a while it isn’t possible which would be hardly for 30 seconds. It would be great if you could share anyways to wean her out of that habit.

  3. Thanks for the great idea! We made ours and then sealed it up with another sheet of contact paper and then misted our windows by our dining room table… it stuck perfectly like those window clings and has embellished our dining room with my 3 and 1 year old’s springtime collections! It was a perfect activity! Thanks again!

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