Have you ever had the urge to pay for someone’s meal in the car behind you just to be nice? But maybe you thought they would think you were a crazy stalker? Well, here’s a solution! Print out a couple…
This scripture frame is actually just a repurposed picture frame…magnetized! I love the idea of having the scriptures on the outside of the glass so that you can easily change them out. And guess where I ended up putting this…
My palms are a little sweaty writing this post…This is a topic NOBODY (including me) wants to discuss. But it is one of great importance, especially since children younger and younger are being bombarded with sexual content. You can’t even…
This must have been a terrible day for the disciples. Not only were they afraid for their own lives, but they probably felt as if they had no hope. Their teacher, their rabbi was gone. How disheartening that must have…
For today’s family activity, place a white carnation in a vase. Add some red food coloring to the water in the vase. Read 1 Peter 1:18-19 and talk about what it meant that Jesus was a “lamb without blemish or…
Here are a few ideas for making today meaningful… Wash the feet of your family members. Read John 13:1-17. Then grab a bowl of water, some towels and experience this part of the Easter story together as a family! Pray…
A few days ago, Mindy (a blog-friend-who-I’ve-never-actually-met-in-real-life-friend) posted on her blog about her love language. That reminded me of an article I wrote for a local Family magazine back in February and thought I would share it with you as…
It’s time for a scavenger hunt! Look all around your house (both inside and outside) for things that represent the Easter story. Collect those items and then talk about them with your child. Here are just a few that we…
The idea for today from Thriving Family is a great one, but one that is a little beyond our 3-year old and 1-year old abilities. :) Here is the original idea from Thriving Family: “Make an Easter picture tree….
Read John 6:35 “Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” Talk to your child(ren) about what this means. Just like bread meets our…
I received my first copy of Thriving Family magazine yesterday and was thrilled with everything inside. I spent lots of time perusing the articles because they were all so great, but was so excited to find this feature on Exploring Easter,…
I’ve debated whether or not to talk to Big Brother about the tsunami. We never have the TV on when the boys are awake (unless Big Brother is watching a kid-appropriate video), so it isn’t like he would “accidentally” see…
If there is ever a wonderful excuse for making (or rather, encouraging) your child nap, it’s that God himself had to rest after creating the entire world! Interestingly, the seventh day of creation is not included in the account of creation…
Go here to download this image We took a little field trip to learn about Day 6 of God’s Creation…it was a beautiful day so we went to the zoo! What better way to “learn” about God’s creation than seeing…
“And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.” So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the…
“And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in…
We had so much fun learning about Day 3 of God’s Creation! Here is the text to read with your child today: “And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground…
This day of creation is intriguing to me. I had never really thought of the “sky” as what separates the two bodies of water (water in the oceans and water in the clouds) until Big Brother and I read the text…